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Antarctic explorer, Felicity Aston, led a group of ordinary women from eight Commonwealth countries to the South Pole in 2010. I tracked the team on their extraordinary journey, via satellite phone, and reported to the world's press on their progress and their safe arrival at the South Pole. The culmination of press achievement saw the team appear on BBC Breakfast Television on Friday in London and Good Morning America In New York the following Monday with 8,500 press articles around the world in between.
Antarctic explorer, Felicity Aston, led a group of ordinary women from eight Commonwealth countries to the South Pole in 2010. I tracked the team on their extraordinary journey, via satellite phone, and reported to the world's press on their progress and their safe arrival at the South Pole. The culmination of press achievement saw the team appear on BBC Breakfast Television on Friday in London and Good Morning America In New York the following Monday with 8,500 press articles around the world in between.